
The Bottom Line: July 2019

View this newsletter in your browser. Hello!   It has been said time flies when you’re having fun, and we’re sure having a lot of fun! I can hardly believe we’ve only been at Hope Factory, our new warehouse home, for just over six months. I’d like to take a moment

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The Bottom Line: February 2019

From the Director’s Desk 4,427 is a number that fills me with endless hope and relentless joy. 4,427 individuals now are cleaner, drier, and healthier thanks to YOU! The impact of diapers goes beyond just the person relying on them- through you, we’re empowering families. Families like Alice’s. Alice is

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The Bottom Line: January 2019

A Year in Review We’re lucky to have great donors and supporters behind our cause to fuel our reach around the world. Many volunteers that start out at one of Jake’s Diapers amazing packing parties – where we prep cloth diaper kits for delivery – are often blown away at

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The Bottom Line: December 2018

Hope For Haiti In the US we have safety nets; Food banks, unemployment, SNAP, WIC, and government-sponsored health insurance. Haiti does not have that. Many residents are financially unable to receive any education. Only 30% have access to medical care. Basic needs are often a struggle. It’s difficult to imagine.

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The Bottom Line: November 2018

Hope For Chrislene Chrislene was referred to Real Hope for Haiti’s inpatient malnutrition center when she was 20 months old. Weighing a mere 15 pounds, she was so weak that she couldn’t hold her head up. She started on medications and an IV. Once she began to feel better, she

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The Bottom Line: September 2018

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: Puerto Rico Still in Need One Year After Hurricane Nearly a year after Hurricane Maria devastated the territory, Jake’s has continued to respond to the need in Puerto Rico. We have worked hard to collect, package and distribute diapers to the island’s children since the

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The Bottom Line: August 2018

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: California Wildfire Relief Northwest of Sacramento, over 85,000 acres have burned in the Pawnee & County Fires. Sadly, these events signify an early start to this year’s wildfire season. Thanks to supporters of Jake’s Diapers, we were able to promptly respond to these natural disasters.

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