Diaper bank partner able to provide newborn cloth kit to family in need.
A baby is born, but she doesn’t come home. This is the reality that parents of newborns with medical issues face. Whether premature or another serious condition, these children spend the first weeks or months of their lives in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
This is how one family in southwestern Virginia entered parenthood. The father spent day after day in the hospital with his newborn, and while going home would be a joyous occasion – a new difficulty would emerge.
Since he spent time in the NICU and away from work, he lost his job. The family of three was now unemployed with a total of literally $20 to their name.
“The mama messaged me and I ran her over a newborn (cloth) kit,” said Hannah White of Fancy Britches Bank. “She has since kept up with cloth diapering 100% of the time, and promotes it to other mamas who have in turn converted. So, not only did we get to help a family who was desperately in need of diapers, but we also set a new family on the eco-friendly path.”
Fancy Britches Bank is based in southwest Virginia, where one county it serves has been ranked as the poorest county in the state for the last 5 years, Hannah said. FBB’s goal is to relieve financial stress for parents and educate on the environmental impact of cloth.
Before partnering with Jake’s, Fancy Britches had two cloth kits available for loan. Jake’s was able to grow that number to at least 12 kits, and at the time of our interview all but 2 were loaned out to families.
“We don’t want any child to go hungry, cold or sick here in our hometowns,” she said. “So by relieving the financial burden of diapering, hopefully we keeping any of that from happening.”
About Our Diaper Drop Partners
Fancy Britches is just one of our many Diaper Drop partners Jake’s Diapers features regularly to shed light on the stories of the people we serve in order to increase awareness about the impact a donation of hygiene products can have on a single individual.