MISSION: Network of Hope—Eastern Wisconsin’s Basic Needs Bank is dedicated to providing essential resources to underserved populations and ensuring that every community member has access to the basic needs that uphold dignity, health, and opportunity.
VISION: “Connecting Resources, Empowering Communities”
Impact: Jake’s Network of Hope provides a monthly supplement of 50 diapers, 25 pull-ups, 25 period supplies, or 25 adult incontinence products to low-income individuals. Our diaper bank partner model has a ripple effect on families by providing access to other services like healthcare, basic needs, and case management that help ease the impact of poverty for families—currently serving counties in Eastern Wisconsin.
Partner Application
The first step to becoming a partner with Jake’s Network of Hope for core products is to complete an application, which must be completed in full.
The application must include the name, phone number, and email address of at least two people (one of whom must be the executive director) who will be responsible for Jake’s Network of Hope partnerships.
Applications are reviewed as received by Jake’s Program Logistics Manager and can be submitted anytime.
Application Process
Once the application is submitted, the partner will have a link to schedule a one-on-one meeting with Jake’s Program Logistics Manager to learn the requirements and benefits of the partnership and discuss the ordering and distribution procedures for receiving diapers and other core products through Jake’s Network of Hope. Please ensure that the Program Manager and any other people who will assist with record-keeping, diaper storage, and diaper distribution are present. It is encouraged, but not required, that the Executive Director attend the meeting.
Jake’s Network of Hope reserves the right to refuse any partner application.
Diaper Distribution
Diapers and other core products from Jake’s Network of Hope are to be used as part of a broader effort by the partner to assist those in need. By distributing diapers and other core products through select partners, clients can participate in other services offered by those organizations. Our long-term goal is for our families to achieve self-sufficiency, and we hope that our interactions with our partners will play a role in that journey.