National Cloth Network
Diaper Need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. Since there is no government assistance available for diapers, this puts a huge financial strain on low-income & homeless families with children.
Other challenges in life – such as natural disaster or unexpected unemployment – can cause unanticipated needs. This programs helps individuals across the United States when that happens.

“We couldn’t afford even the bare minimum. This free cloth diaper program allowed us to save extra money while my husband looked for a job. And we continue to use them as we potty train our son and try to expand our family. CNY Diaper Bank has helped my family a lot. Not only with cloth diapers but providing a huge comfort in the form of an understanding, caring and compassionate person who not only helped my family but also listened to me during my time of need. Thank you.”
Tiffany L.