Simple Joy

Allison, one of our partners in Haiti, has distributed diapers to over 20 families in St. Michel. She’s a medical missionary, doing whatever needs doing and helping with basic healthcare in a very poverty-stricken region of Haiti.

David is a young boy who lives in St. Michel, and life for David and his family isn’t easy. His birth mother passed away last year, and David has special needs. Until last year, his name was Kokoben. This literally translates to “crippled”, as Haitian culture tends to view those with special needs as a person with less value. After his Mom passed, he moved in with a relative, a widow. He’s slowly been bonding with his new mother. They live in a house made of sticks, rocks, and clay with a dirt floor.

Last July, Allison shared a bit of joyful news:

“Today, his name is David. In the Old Testament, David was a little guy that no one, even his family, saw as having value. But God did. He was scrawny, but God had a tender heart for David and did some pretty cool stuff through him. No longer will he be called Kokoben. No longer simply labeled as crippled and useless. He is a child of God. He is David.”

Slowly, but surely, David’s joyous personality has started to emerge. First, it was just a teeny smile. This then grew into big smiles, and deep belly laughs.

Allison was able to give a supply of cloth diapers to David, and she’s been checking in with him and his new mother frequently. She recently shared this fun update:

“What a great thing to walk into David’s house and see him smiling. His mommy is doing such a good job with him. They even had some extra food – a small bag of rice, some tomatoes, and garlic – sitting on the table. David is healthy, he’s happy, he’s attached to his mommy. Makes my heart full.

Little things are big things. We may not be able to change the world, but little things can change one person’s world. Let’s do those little things this week, friends”. ~ Allison

Every cent and diaper donation allows us to help children like David every day. Thank you! Read more about how else you can get involved.