Car Seat Donation Solves Crucial Need for Families Living in Poverty

This is a guest post, originally appearing on Good360. Did you know we provide more than diapers and period products? You betcha we do! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a new pilot initiative, My Neighbor, providing critical essentials to those in need. Many thanks to Good360 and Walmart for partnering with us!

Jake’s Diapers, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that helps solve diaper need for infants, elderly and those with special needs. We believe this is essential for clean, healthy and active lives and creates a sense of dignity for those we serve. Because when we alleviate the ongoing financial burden of diaper costs, we empower recipients to pursue a higher quality of life. 

We are so thankful for the Walmart RDP program, where we received car seats, which are such a crucial need for people in poverty. The car seats are distributed through our collaboration with the Oshkosh Police Department. Together, we’re operating the Oshkosh Crisis Closet, and the items are distributed by officers to help people in crisis.  

Prior to this collaboration with Walmart and Good360, police officers would use their personal funds to buy car seats for people pulled over without their children properly restrained.   

Car seats are so critical for child safety.  Imagine living in poverty and being unable to afford what’s needed to keep your little ones safe. You’re forced to drive with your child unsecured, which is both dangerous and illegal, and then you are pulled over. What do you do? The officer can’t let you leave without the child properly secured in a car seat, and you simply cannot buy one because you’re struggling to pay rent and keep the lights on. The citations can be an expensive burden that’s keeping you in dire poverty.  Thanks to Good360 and Walmart, the Oshkosh Police Department has a supply of car seats for these types of crises. The officer can call the precinct and have a car seat brought to you. Together, you install the car seat. Your child is safe, and you’ve been shown compassion and grace.