Thank you for your interest in hosting a diaper drive to collect diapers, wipes and financial donations for the Jake’s Network of Hope. We want this to be as easy as possible for you, so we’ve created a Diaper Drive Tool Kit to get you started.

“Our families express appreciation to receive diapers and report it helping them with the high costs in today’s world. The diapers also allow families to continue to stay connected with Early Head Start and families who meet regularly get the option to receive diapers monthly.”
Melissa Carter of Family Services EHS
Thank you again for hosting a diaper drive to help keep babies and toddlers clean and healthy. Your efforts are critical to Jake’s Network of Hope’s success. We are so grateful to you!
Do you have further questions about hosting a diaper drive for Jake’s Network of Hope? Reach out to us today, we would love to help answer your questions.