Nearly 3 in 4 Working Wisconsin Moms are Raising Infants

Across Wisconsin, working moms are more likely to have infants at home than nationwide: 72% of mothers in the workforce have infants in this state, compared to 63% across the entire U.S., according to the National Diaper Bank Network.

And with one in three U.S. mom suffering from diaper need, also according to NDBN, that’s a lot of working moms struggling to make ends meet.

Most childcare facilities require parents to provide diapers for their children, meaning struggling to provide diapers also creates a hurdle when moms need to get to work.

“Nationally, 57% of parents experiencing diaper need who rely on child care said they missed an average of four days of school or work in the past month because they didn’t have diapers,” according to the Wisconsin Diaper Facts sheet on NDBN.

Four missed days of work or school because of a lack of diapers.

Jake’s Diapers operates the Eastern Wisconsin Diaper Bank to solve this need for working moms and families in our area.

We recognize many families in our region of Wisconsin struggle on a regular basis with basic needs. In Brown County, 34% of families struggle to afford the basics of housing, food, healthcare, childcare, and transportation, according to United Way’s ALICE study. This equates to more than 3,000 children aged 3 and under whose caregivers struggle to provide enough diapers to keep them clean and dry.

You can make a big difference right now. We’re in the midst of the Great Cover Up Diaper Drive to raise funds and supplies for our Wisconsin efforts. You can drop off your diaper donation at any Community First Bank location in the Fox Valley area. . Also, check out this link for more details.

About Our Efforts in NE Wisconsin: Jake’s Diapers recognizes many families in our region of Wisconsin struggle on a regular basis with basic needs and hygiene necessities. This is why we’ve created the Eastern Wisconsin Diaper Bank Initiative to supply diapers to local families in need.