Disaster Relief in 2018

During hurricane season 2018, we saw widespread devastation for many people living in the Southeast areas of our country — with Hurricane Florence washing across the Carolinas and Hurricane Michael destroying areas on Florida’s panhandle. Wildfires in CA also continued to be widespread with ongoing recovery efforts necessary there.

While it’s not something that is always top of mind, it is true: every person is one disaster away from living in a devastating, vulnerable circumstance.

Jake’s Diapers is committed to responding to these disaster areas, understanding the basic need to be clean and healthy after displacement or destruction, to provide diapers or period products as relevant.

During 2018, we did just that. Early in the year, your donations helped us help those in Texas and Florida impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. Federal disaster relief programs do not cover the cost of diapers, and our work made up for that for 200 children impacted by the storms.

We also responded to Hurricane Florence, where many families continued to be displaced more than a month after the storm because of damage to homes and apartment buildings. For these families, diapers and period products made all the difference.

In California, we keep tabs on the wildfire situations and help those in need. For example, six months after the Tubbs fire families were still without homes and jobs after the vineyards were many worked were destroyed. Your support helps us provide essential items for these families so they can more easily afford other basics, too.

Supporting the world’s people impacted in this way restores hope and dignity while creating an opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life. Thank you for helping us do this good work.