Did you know: Government support programs such as WIC do not provide families with diapers? Yet 60% of WIC recipients wear diapers. Talking about missing access to a basic need!
Infants require up to 12 diapers per day, toddlers about 8. Most childcare centers, even free and subsidized facilities require parents to provide a day’s supply of disposable diapers.
This September we join the National Diaper Bank Network in shedding light on the issues of diaper need: the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry, and healthy.
Locally, many families do not have access to free diapers when in need. Jake’s Diapers recognizes this gap and serves Wisconsin babies with its Eastern Wisconsin Diaper Bank.
A reliable source of free diapers for families unable to afford these essential care items is vital to a thriving community. Our diaper bank provides that access and allows parents to keep their children clean and send their littles to daycare so they can actively contribute to the community.
Right now, the Eastern Wisconsin Diaper Bank Network helps nearly 1,000 children per month through our network of now 20 community partners in the program.
In surveys of recipients, we’ve found that the number one benefit to receiving diapers was to reduce stress, followed by making the child happier. Reducing household stress and happier children can reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and child abuse. This has also been observed in professional research studies (Pediatrics, Aug 2013).
The diaper need doesn’t end. Join our Circle of Change and offer monthly donations to support these families long term. A regular gift of $18 can support the monthly diaper need for one baby
About Our Efforts in NE Wisconsin: Jake’s Diapers recognizes many families in our region of Wisconsin struggle on a regular basis with basic needs and hygiene necessities. This is why we’ve created the Eastern Wisconsin Diaper Bank Initiative to supply diapers to local families in need.
Make your impact today! Join our Circle of Change as a monthly donor.
#EndDiaperNeed #BasicsArentBasic