Helping Poverty-Stricken Babies in Green Bay

“The diapers have been so helpful to our family. Thank you all!” ~ Green Bay Diaper Recipient

When we think of basic needs, we tend to think of food, clothing, shelter, and water. Unless there’s a person in your life who relies on diapers, diapers tend to be overlooked. But not you! You have done an amazing thing by supporting our work in Green Bay.

Right now, we have one active community partner, Family & Childcare Resources of Northeastern Wisconsin (FCRNEW). We’ve been providing them with diapers every month for four months now. The impact of diapers is so much more than a diaper, and our recipient surveys are verifying this fact!

For our recipients through FCRNEW, the top impact of diapers is making children happier. Over half of our recipients report this as the most important benefit of receiving diapers. As a Mom myself, being able to change a diaper as needed definetely kept my littles happier! The second most important benefit reported is the reduction of stress. Unhappy babies definetely can increase stress levels, and with happier babies, it is nice to hear stress levels are following suit and declining. The third most common impact is the ability to buy food.

With the success we are seeing at FCRNEW, we are preparing to expand and add on additional community partners. Would you consider sharing our story with a friend or perhaps becoming a monthly donor? Just $13 a month provides a supplemental supply of diapers to one Green Bay baby.

If you’d like to help babies in Green Bay, WI, visit our donation page or contact us.