Things have always been tough for many in Puerto Rico, with poverty affecting nearly half the population (the current rate is 43.5 percent).
Since Hurricane Maria hit in 2017, many in the U.S. territory saw their lives take a downward turn.

Our business partners at KangaCare have launched a new Puerto Rico inspired print:Freshavacado. During October, for each Freshavacado product sold, KangaCare will donate a diapering product to Jake’s Diapers.

Like one Puerto Rico family we heard from recently. The mother told us her son is autistic, has schizophrenia and ADHD — and that Hurricane Maria was life-changing for them.
“He has a really hard time as he can’t communicate, and doesn’t know how to express feelings and emotions,” she said. “He’s been learning lots in school and he’s brilliant. We have had our ups and downs. But for him, it was hard the day after the hurricane, as he couldn’t recognize his environment. And he had to move from school, and basically (that) changed everything.”
Her son needs a caregiver 24/7, so she is unable to work struggles to make ends meet. We know how to change a life forever, too: with the gift of diapers.
“I couldn’t afford his diapers, meds, food and basic needs,” she said. “With these diapers, I’ve been able to not only provide all of those, but I can also give him lots more care rides that he enjoys a lot. And, we plan to visit family members in Maryland next year so he can enjoy the weather there.”
Your donation of just $9 supplies diaper need for one baby for one week. Ready to change a life? Please consider a small donation.