‘A Sigh of Relief’ For Foster Families, Thanks to Jake’s Community Partner

Jake’s Network of Hope partners with other 501c3 nonprofits, school-based and faith-based groups who directly serve vulnerable people in our communities. This means our work supports diverse community needs, from foster care to after school programs, family needs and domestic abuse shelters, refugee work, poverty support, health programs and more. These collaborations mean partners can re-allocate time and money to instead focusing on their programs, while meeting human needs in the community.

We want to highlight the many ways our partners are making a difference for those most vulnerable individuals, many of whom are neighbors, peers, co-workers or connected to us in unknown ways. Poverty is more commonplace than we often think, and financial strain can often be situational and temporary. Our work ensures every individual experiencing hardship can still have their basic needs cared for and feel a sense of self worth.

Explore the stories of all 12 of our 200+ community partners by visiting this link.

Foster parents can oftentimes feel overwhelmed by caring for one or multiple children with many needs, including support from past traumas, medical conditions, developmental disabilities and behavior problems that require extra care. 

Lincoln’s Foster Closet, a 501c3 non-profit based in Kaukauna, WI, is one of Jake’s community partners who is supporting these children and families in the foster care system with basic needs and enrichment programs.

After volunteering at Jake’s with her daughter a few times, Shana Beach learned more about Jake’s and the resources it provides. She and her daughter were inspired to start Lincoln’s Foster Closet and partner with Jake’s to provide an elevated experience to foster care families. 

Lincoln’s Foster Closet utilizes Jake’s Hope Hub (part of its My Neighbor program) to purchase items such as clothing, personal hygiene, and baby care needs for a fraction of the price. 

“Our favorite thing about the hub is the affordability. We get a lot of needs for a fraction of the price and it goes a long way.Saving money and helping families/children which is our favorite thing to do,” Lincoln Foster Closet Founder Shana Beach said.

Our Foster program partners are all working hard to provide foster children with a childhood experience. By partnering with Jake’s Network of Hope, the anxiety around providing the basics for these children can be reduced, which allows energy to be focused on providing a better experience for the child. 

“We absolutely love the assortment of items that bring a sigh of relief and joy to our clients. Plus the staff and volunteers are absolutely amazing, helpful and so kind,” stated Shana, “ Jake’s Network of Hope is such a life saver, money saver, and a blessing we truly appreciate. We hope Jake’s is around for many, many years to come.”

Donate today to provide personal hygiene and basic care needs to families during the holiday season. On our donation page, you can choose a category to ensure your gift goes towards projects aligned with your personal interests, mission or passion.