Drop 9: The Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico

When a natural disaster strikes, we’re quick to realize the immediate impact: devastation, destruction, and displacement. As time goes on, it’s easy for those far away to forget, to continue with daily life without thinking about lingering consequences.

At Jake’s Diapers, we remain actively present in Puerto Rico, supporting individuals in need more than a year after Hurricane Maria struck the territory.

“After Hurricane Maria, access to people’s health has been one of the great challenges we have encountered in the communities we serve,” Bryan Velez of Episcopal Diocese in Puerto Rico said. “Economic development is necessary for people to work after this phenomenon has worsened.”

Bryan and others at the Episcopal Diocese, one of Jake’s Diapers Diaper Drop partners, focus on serving their community to support food security, health, pastoral and psychological care — with a big picture goal focused on the future of economic development. Bryan said working with Jake’s Diapers is a vital part of that vision.

“This partnership can help our organization to bring diapers to all families who have kids,” he said. “This helps in an economical way also help to conserve the environment.”

About Our Diaper Drop Partners

The Episcopal Diocese is just one of our partners featured in our 12 Drops of Christmas series. Jake’s Diapers aims to shed light on the stories of the people we serve to increase awareness about the impact a donation of hygiene products can have on a single individual.

Make your impact today! A donation of $16 solves diaper need for moms and babies like the ones in our story.