Every little thing counts, and families in Usa River area of Tanzania already know this to be true.
“Most families have little, maybe a few chickens or small animals,” Donna Liedtke said. “Drought is always a problem to make crops grow, and they live on extremely little income. Education for their children is important as well as their church life and community.”
Donna is a Wisconsin resident who, partnering with St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Waukesha, organized efforts to support families in the area.
Motorized transportation is uncommon in the area, and most walk “great distances” to school, church or a village to sell their vegetables, fruits or eggs, she said.
During her efforts to help families in the area, Donna reached out to Jake’s Diapers and is now among the Diaper Drop partners on our list.
“We were in the Usa River area of Tanzania, serving 2 dispensaries (clinics), and helping provide new moms with reusable diapers,” Donna said. “Jake’s Diapers is one of the few organizations that provide this sort of service to children, disabled or elderly adults in need of reusable products. They are amazing!”
About Our Diaper Drop Partners
This Tanzania effort is just one of our partners featured in our 12 Drops of Christmas series. Jake’s Diapers aims to shed light on the stories of the people we serve to increase awareness about the impact a donation of hygiene products can have on a single individual.
Make your impact today! A donation of $50 provides a suitcase of diapers for moms and babies like the ones in our story.