Global Network

Cloth Diapers Keep Kids Happier, Healthier

Jake’s long-time partners Ekisa Ministries continue to do great work for kids with disabilities in Uganda. All 16 children living in the organization’s children’s home have unique stories, live with a variety of disabilities and have overcome trauma – such as abandonment or abuse. Yet, each one continues to shine.

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Cloth Kits Help Haiti Clinic

As one of our Diaper Drop partners, Real Hope For Haiti uses our cloth diaper kits and other diapering supplies to care for malnourished children. Here’s a few stories of children we’ve helped this year: Donlove: In his short life, Donlove has struggled on and off with extreme malnourishment. Geraldine:

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Introducing Daylan

Hello Friend! It is a joy to introduce you to Daylan, one of the children who call our Diaper Drop Sarah’s Covenant Homes home. Daylan just celebrated his 13th birthday! Sarah’s Covenant Homes shares this about Daylan:  “Daylan has a way about him that easily captivates every person he comes into

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