Over the past seven years (!), we’ve provided thousands of diapers to our Diaper Drop partner Sarah’s Covenant Homes in India.
Have you ever wondered what is Sarah’s Covenant Homes? Our friends at Sarah’s Covenant Homes shared the following:
At first glance, Sarah’s Covenant Homes is difficult to understand. We are comprised of many moving parts, bits and pieces – different from each other in so many ways – that come together to make one big, complex, messy, loving family.
Sometimes we are reminded how organizationally complex SCH is, and often times, we aren’t able to depict the full picture of who we are.
We’ve decided to dedicate some time to sharing answers to questions that we are asked over and over again. Season to season, year after year.
These questions are important and their answers are, too. Questions like:
- How many individuals do you care for?
- How many homes do you have?
- What is the work that you do?
- What do you wish people understood about SCH?
- Why do you cover the eyes of your kids in your pictures?
- What are your financial needs and how do you meet them?
- How can I be involved?
- What does a day in the life look like?
- How has the pandemic affected your daily operations?
To get things started, today we want to answer some of the most straightforward questions we oftentimes get.
Like “how many individuals do you care for?” And “how many homes do you have?”
Currently, we have over 130 individuals in our care between our two cities (Ongole and Hyderabad), six buildings that house smaller and very distinct family-style units.
Currently, the youngest child in our care is one year old, and the oldest individual we care for came to us over 12 years ago and will soon be celebrating her 30th birthday!
The number of children and adults at SCH fluctuates season to season based on external factors like adoptions, reunifications, and new transfers of children from other institutions into our care. Simply put, our big, messy family is always growing and changing and reshaping and expanding and saying hello or see you later or welcome home.
It’s beautiful and complex; it’s lovely and loving; it’s perfectly ours and we wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Photo Description: a picture of a group of people outside Faith Home (Ongole) taken from above. They are standing in two distinct lines: a line of seven individuals from the top left corner of the picture to the bottom left, and a second line of three individuals from top left to right. They’re all wearing colorful outfits.
About Our Diaper Drop Partners
Sarah’s Covenant Homes is just one of our many Diaper Drop partners Jake’s Diapers features regularly to shed light on the stories of the people we serve in order to increase awareness about the impact a donation of hygiene products can have on a single individual.
Thank you Nicki’s Diapers for supporting Jake’s Global Network!