Faith-Based Partnership Supports Basic Needs For Small Community

Jake’s Network of Hope partners with other 501c3 nonprofits, school-based and faith-based groups who directly serve vulnerable people in our communities. This means our work supports diverse community needs, from foster care to after school programs, family needs and domestic abuse shelters, refugee work, poverty support, health programs and more. These collaborations mean partners can re-allocate time and money to instead focusing on their programs, while meeting human needs in the community.

We want to highlight the many ways our partners are making a difference for those most vulnerable individuals, many of whom are neighbors, peers, co-workers or connected to us in unknown ways. Poverty is more commonplace than we often think, and financial strain can often be situational and temporary. Our work ensures every individual experiencing hardship can still have their basic needs cared for and feel a sense of self worth.

Explore the stories of all 12 of our 200+ community partners by visiting this link.

In the small Northern Wisconsin town of Pound, Fellowship Bible Church is all about providing their community with love, care and friendship.

As a part of their ministry, Fellowship Bible Church has created The SonShine Room as a place where the community is welcome to shop (no charge for anything) and find new or gently used clothing, shoes, toiletries, household items, cleaning products and books.

Fellowship Bible Church has partnered with Jake’s Network of Hope to supply their SonShine Room with adult incontinence products and diaper products to support the families visiting their shop.

“Many of our clients are senior citizens on a very fixed income. Receiving adult hygiene products for free is such a blessing to many,” said Theresa Arts, a member of Fellowship Bible Church. “The diapers help so many families with children.”

Two in three people will have incontinence during their lifetimes, and 9.5% of seniors over the age of 65 are living in poverty. For individuals who can not afford incontinence products, their lifestyle is greatly affected and limited. Our society has also created a social stigma around the issue, adding to the difficulty in dealing with it.

At Jake’s, we believe that everyone should live in a world where they feel safe and worthy. If you are a 501c3 nonprofit, school-based or faith-based organization, we would love to partner with you to support your community.