Helping U.S. Families in Need Through Direct Donations

At Jake’s Diapers, we’re all about collaboration. We have a collection of Diaper Drop partners who fuel the work we do, sharing the diapers we collect with babies in need.

In 2018, however, we recognized certain populations untouched by a potential partner but still in need. So, we launched an individual aid program to allow U.S. families to apply for diaper kits when there is a need.

We provide cloth diapers on loan, with the expectation of the family using them as long as they need to and then returning them. We then sanitize them, repair them, and pass them along to another family. 

The program quickly gained popularity, and has made a great impact since. In December, we sent 124 diapers to 5 children of families in need; in January, we sent 220 cloth diapers to 13 children of families in need.

And the demand continues to grow. As Katie Kilsdonk of Jake’s Diapers put it, “We have a pretty steady flow of applications.”

Help U.S. Families: It’s because of wonderful supporters like you that we’re able to make this individual impact. A donation of $16 solves diaper need for moms and babies using this newly established individual aid program, and we need your help to be able to serve the applications that keep coming in.
Are you in need? Check out our application form here.