ethopian woman feeding baby formula

Malnourished Infant Granted Hope and Healing at Ethiopia Orphanage

A tiny life that fits inside your arms, a sweet baby girl. It should have been a joyful moment. 

Yet, this life was in trouble. The child, Sitota, was struggling to survive with severe malnourishment swiftly taking away her strength to go on.

“We truly believed she would not have lived for a couple of days, she was that, that bad,” Charisa Knight of Hawassa Hope explained about finding Sitota. Hawassa Hope is a partner program with Ajuuja, an orphanage that provides basic needs for children and families in the area — and the place that would give Sitota a chance.

“They bring children just literally back to life, that’s what they do,” Charisa said of Ajuuja. “They give them hope for their lives.” 

Help children like Sitota have a second chance at life and family. Donate today, every little bit counts.

Hawassa Hope is a Diaper Drop partner with Jake’s Diapers, and so it relies on diapers from Jake’s as part of the care for its children. When you donate to our program, you’re giving hope to kids at Ajuuja, too.

Meet Sitota and check out her progress in this video from Charisa.

About Our Global Efforts: Through a trusted network of community-based partners Jake’s Diapers provides predominantly reusable options to solving hygiene needs worldwide. We have a growing list of diaper drops in countries outside the United States.

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