The Ajuuja Children’s Home is a place where many young faces have found hope again after difficult and tragic circumstances interrupted their lives.
The program in the Sidama region of Ethiopia currently serves 35 children that call the space home and call its staff family — but there are more in need, and the program is at capacity.
“For the children at the home … the biggest struggle is for the nannies and nurses taking care of them,” said Charisa Knight. “We currently have 35 children, and recently had to say no to taking 5 more because we don’t have the consistent monthly funds or staff.”
The orphanage is a partner program with Hawassa Hope, a nonprofit that provides basic needs for children and families in the area. According to Hawassa Hope’s website, it’s goal is to “keep families together and ensure access to education for their children, and to help families achieve financial independence through vocational training and initial financial support.”
Hawassa Hope is a Diaper Drop partner with Jake’s Diapers, and so it relies on items from our nonprofit as part of the care for its children.
“A good supply of diapers helps to not only have good physical care (being able to be changed often) it also provides relief to the nannies and nurses taking care of them,” Charisa said.
The program cares for the children while also focusing on finding family placement – sometimes with the biological family, a local foster family or local adoption. The staff go above and beyond as much as possible to support the lives they are saving.
“Ajuuja is staffed with very special people who do more than show up and tend to daily duties at an orphanage,” the website says. “We have a group of very talented people who truly love the children in their care, who serve those children sacrificially.”
About Our Global Efforts: Through a trusted network of community-based partners Jake’s Diapers provides predominantly reusable options to solving hygiene needs worldwide. We have a growing list of diaper drops in countries outside the United States.
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