At Jake’s we believe in providing dignity for girls and women through equality and access to period products. These are essential tools to keep girls and women in school, at work and participating in society when they cannot otherwise obtain period products on their own.
Jake’s Network of Hope has partnered with Green Bay Area Public Schools to provide East High School with menstrual products to be stocked in all of their girls bathrooms in order for students to feel welcome and provided for at school.
A number of students provided feedback on having menstrual products available to them at school.
“I think this is great for the girls especially if they’re nervous to ask someone for products. I haven’t really seen other schools do this. I think it’s awesome.”
“While I only used the products once, it’s just overall comforting to know it’s there. I feel that it also helps with the stigma that periods are supposed to be discrete and kept quiet. I just really appreciate it being there for many reasons.“
“I have not used one yet because my period is not regular and comes all of sudden. It is a worry for me to not know when to expect my period. I’m glad and thankful to know that the school provides supplies. Thank you so much for being thoughtful and providing this.”
“Menstrual Products are something every girl needs, many girls cannot afford these products as they can be pricey, please continue this very helpful resource.”
“The menstrual products in the bathroom have been extremely helpful. I think this really helps girls that are afraid to ask to go to the bathroom while sneaking a menstrual product. For girls that live in low-income households, they might struggle to get menstrual products and having a stock at school may really help.”
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