Still Rebuilding: 2 Years Post-Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico, Residents Await Roof Repairs, Other Aid

News reports scatter with ongoing disrepair after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico two years ago. Tarps, for example, still cover many houses as what should have been a temporary roofing solution, but continue to provide shelter for residents. 

A program called All Hands and Hearts is actively working on “mucking and gutting projects, debris removal, repairing of roofs in a safe and secure way, performing mold sanitation and critical repairs on windows and doors,” according to the nonprofit’s website. 

Main bridges are finally being restored, according to an NPR report, and Yahoo news reports on a Florida-based nonprofit is raising funds for the rural areas of the territory it says are in more need.

At Jake’s Diapers, we continue to partner with local residents to distribute cloth products to families, women, and children struggling with poverty in the aftermath. Disaster recovery is an ongoing effort and we’re thankful for your support.

About Our Disaster Relief Efforts: Jake’s Diapers recognizes that every person is one disaster away from living in a situation that restricts access to basic necessities. We respond when disaster strikes, understanding the need to be clean and healthy after displacement or destruction. Supporting people impacted in this way restores hope and dignity while creating the opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life as they rebuild and recover.
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