Thanks for Helping Woudjina

Woudjina is one of the children who are thankful for the cloth diapers you’ve provided!

She is 9 months old and weighed 9 lbs when admitted to the ICU at our Diaper Drop Real Hope for Haiti. Her parents are both young, and neither one has been caring for her since she was 4 months old. She had been staying with her grandma and became sick a few months ago. Her mom went and got her, and brought her in for inpatient care. She was very sick and very weak when admitted. She was malnourished, with lots of diarrhea and a fever. Her grandma has a garden where she grows tomatoes and beans to sell for a profit. They live in a home made of tin, rocks, and clay.

She’s on the road to recovery at Real Hope for Haiti, gaining weight and energy with each passing day. When she’s fully recovered, she’ll head home and continue to visit Real Hope for Haiti for check-ups.

Thanks for helping Woudjina and other babies just like her!