Tagged as: Sarah’s Covenant Homes

josie india covenant homes

Sweet Josie

Brittany is a foster mother to thirteen children in India at our Diaper Drop Sarah’s Covenant Homes (SCH). Thanks to you, we’ve been providing diapers to SCH for the past three years. She wrote the following, and it’s an honor to share her words with you. I often find myself

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A Literal Happy Dance

This past Sunday, a mission team arrived at our Diaper Drop partner, Sarah’s Covenant Homes (SCH), in Hyderabad, India. With them, they brought 6 suitcases full of cloth diapers, made possible by you! In these six suitcases were 257 cloth diapers. Most of the diapers were specially-made for older children

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Sweet Emerald

Sweet Emerald is the baby of her foster family. Born with a cleft palate and other medical challenges, she was abandoned then rescued. Recently, she’s been taking off developmentally! Colleen, her foster Mom, has shared some important milestones she’s hit lately. Emerald’s most recent accomplishment is sitting independently! Emerald has

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